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The Experts

The Experts brings you exclusive interviews with leading figures in the world of gastronomy, mixology, winemaking and spirit production.

Mauro Colagreco

Mauro Colagreco

It was after working with culinary greats Bernard Loiseau and Alain Ducasse that Italo-Argentinian chef Mauro Colagreco decided to…

By Lauren Hill
Clare Smyth

Clare Smyth

As the first female chef to work at Restaurant Gordon Ramsay (who famously ate his words when he said…

By Samantha Coles
Jan Hartwig

Jan Hartwig

Jan Hartwig has made quite an impression on Munich’s burgeoning fine-dining scene. The Helmstedt, Germany-born chef arrived at Hotel…

By Lauren Hill
Enrique Olvera

Enrique Olvera

Minutes into speaking with Enrique Olvera, founder and head chef of Pujol in Mexico City and Cosme in New…

By Emma Reynolds
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