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Oeno Group

Group - Future - Trade - House

Oeno Group, winner of the Best Global Wine Investment Firm Award for two consecutive years, is a fine wine merchant comprised of an investment arm, a hospitality supply branch and a City-located wine boutique that all serve one purpose: bringing the finest wines to their esteemed clientele.

The Royal Exchange,
Uni 16-17,
Oeno Group

Inspired by the Ancient Greek word for wine, “οἶνος”, Oeno is an innovative and contemporary fine wine merchant. It is comprised of an award-winning investment arm, a hospitality supply branch and a City-located wine boutique that all serve one purpose – bringing the finest and rarest of wines to their esteemed clientele.

Oeno Group has won Best Global Wine Investment Firm of the Year for two consecutive years and Wine Investment CEO of the Year Award in 2022. We work with some of the world’s most trusted anti-fraud experts to secure the provenance and authenticity of their client’s collections, while also conducting meticulous in-house bottle inspections under UV lights and microscopes.

“Fine wine is something that ties us all together,” says Michael Doerr, who was recently selected as a Top Recommended Wine Adviser by Spear’s 500. The firm’s rapid global expansion, spearheaded by Doerr, affirms his statement with offices now located across the world including the UK, Brazil, the US, Italy, Spain and Portugal.

A true pioneer in fine wine investment, Oeno has trailblazed a path through under-the-radar fine wine regions and is revolutionizing the way collectors interact with this unique market. We have built-in existing strategies (liquidation paths) for our customer investment portfolios, which is one of the main challenges investors face after completing their portfolio and liquidating their assets.

A novel feature of Oeno’s offer is access to its extensive network of top restaurant and trade clients (OenoTrade) and luxury central London boutique (OenoHouse), which provide profitable liquidation pathways for investors during their investment lifecycle and offer wineries the opportunity to supply their best wines at the apex of their maturity – services that other wine investment companies are unable to match.

Oeno Group

The Royal Exchange
Uni 16-17

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