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  1. Food & Drink
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October 27, 2023updated Nov 07, 2023

The Perfect Rossini by Doladira 

Cocktail of the Week: Doladira is a new rhubarb-infused aperitivo.

By Samantha Coles

The Dolomites, a sublime mountain range in Northeastern Italy, are part of the Southern Limestone Alps and extend from the River Adige in the west to the Piave Valley in the east. Also known as the ‘Pale Mountains,’ the range is known for its dramatic jagged peaks which were formed from coral reefs and seafloor sediments some 250 million years ago. 

A veritable mecca for hikers and skiers, the Dolomites also set the stage for a breathtaking natural phenomenon. Enrosadira (or ‘Alpenglow’) occurs during sunrise and sunset where the mountains illuminate with a gorgeous rose glow. (Enrosadira is derived from the Ladin language, which is spoken by those living in the Dolomite region. In English, it translates to “to become rose-colored.”) 

[See also: A Long Weekend Guide to the Dolomites] 

Doladira is a new rhubarb-infused aperitivo and is named for both the Dolomites and for Enrosadira. A ruby-red hue, the beverage has been created by award-winning cookbook author Meredith Erickson. Her first solo book, Alpine Cooking, journeys through Italy, Austria, Switzerland and France, highlighting the regional cuisines served in chalets and mountain huts. 

The book contains a recipe for a spring rhubarb cocktail, a refreshing mix of rhubarb puree and elderflower tonic. Erickson teamed up with former master sommelier and co-founder Richard Betts to create a bottled version of the tonic when they couldn’t find the exact aperitivo elsewhere. 

[See also: The Best Alpine Ski Resorts to Visit this Winter] 

The pair experimented with tens of recipes before landing on the winning formula. Doladira includes natural alpine ingredients including plum, gentian, elderflower, pine and rosemary, resulting in a  pleasant blend of bitterness and fruity acidity with herbaceous notes and a silky smooth texture. Doladira is thirst-quenching and moreish on the rocks with soda water but lends itself well to a number of cocktails.

The Perfect Rossini by Doladira


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1oz Strawberry puree

1oz Doladira

2oz Sparkling wine


Build in a champagne flute and stir gently to combine. To make strawberry puree, blend strawberries and strain through a chinois, sieve or cheesecloth.

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