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May 4, 2023

Sketch Celebrates King Charles III’s Coronation in Bloom

This year's Mayfair in Bloom exhibition marks the historic Coronation.

By Bea Isaacson

As anyone who has ever visited it will know, iconic London luxury destination Sketch is no stranger to the wonderfully eccentric and the vividly floral. How delightful, therefore, that the hotel’s annual edition of its Mayfair in Bloom exhibition coincides with King Charles III’s coronation.

A committed horticulturist himself, King Charles is known across the world for his passion for the environment, especially his love for the great national tradition of English gardens.

With his beloved Highgrove Gardens of his Gloucestershire estate used as primary inspiration, Sketch recruited long-time collaborators, the London-based floral artists JamJar Flowers, Rebel Rebel and Ricky Paul – as well as a freshly commissioned piece by designer Moritz Waldemeyer – to curate new and bespoke installations.

[See also: The Unmissable Gardens of Luxury Hotels]

Sketch Coronation Mayfair in Bloom entrance
A modern interpretation of an English Holloway / ©Sketch

The reception of Sketch has been repurposed and recreated by JamJars Flowers, who created a modern interpretation of a Holloway, an ancient sunken lane.

A characteristic feature of the English landscape, and a motif used in English literature and folklore, the experience is an immersive forest-like vision of trees and butterflies, and will be heightened by the inclusion of birdsong.

The Glade space sees Rebel Rebel turn to Highgrove’s Carpet Garden to transform the dining room and bar into an abstract deconstruction of roses, Mediterranean plants and an oasis.

[See also: The Best Afternoon Teas in London]

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Sketch Coronation carriage The Lecture Room & Library
The Lecture Room & Library / ©Sketch

And the three Michelin-starred Lecture Room & Library also gets the royal treatment, with Ricky Paul’s near-life-size royal carriage as grand and thrilling as the Coronation itself.

But perhaps the most thrilling installation can be found in the toilet. Yes, seriously. Ricky Paul’s second creation is a two-meter-high floral crown that takes a prized place in the center of the world-famous Pod loos.

With King Charles III’s favorite flowers, the delphiniums, cascading down the staircase, the whole space is illuminated in springtime floral majesty.

[See also: The Best Hotels in London to Celebrate the Coronation]

“This is the month that I relish the most when everything is new and fresh…” King Charles III once said of his love for the blossom of springtime.

“The fleeting pink of unfurling copper breeches has a magic of its own,” he continued, “as does the short-lived blue and yellow partnerships between the camassias and massed buttercups in the meadow.”  If his plans for the United Kingdom’s big Coronation weekend fall through, we would heartily recommend a pleasant afternoon in Sketch to the King.

From 4 to 29 May 2023,

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