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  1. Food & Drink
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4 weeks agoupdated Nov 06, 2023

The Pomello Margarita Cocktail

Cocktail of the Week: Launched this summer, Pomello is a new aperitif that mixes citrus with elderflower.

By Kim Ayling

Move over Aperol, there’s a new must-have aperitif in town. Meet Pomello – a fruity, floral drink that fuses the flavors of the pomelo fruit (a less bitter ancestor of the feisty grapefruit) with delicate elderflower and bittersweet ginseng. 

Launched this summer, Pomello is a complex drink: On the first sip, citrus hits straight away. But then, that floral elderflower creeps through, ending with the earthy notes of ginseng. Its unique flavor has already seen it gracing the cocktail menus of some of London’s most respected bars, hotels and restaurants, including HIDE, Claridge’s and The Twenty Two.

[See also: Elite Traveler Wine and Spirits Gift Guide 2023]

While all the signs point to Pomello being a summer drink – and we can just imagine how sweet it will taste in a spritz in the sunshine – it also lends well to other, more seasonal cocktails. Our favorite Pomello cocktail recipe is the Pomello Margarita, but it can also be mixed into a sour or a martini. Thanks to its comparatively light ABV of 18%, it can also be paired with soda or tonic for a low-alcohol option.

Combining Pomello (in place of the usual triple sec) with tequila, this recipe has all the zingy punch you’d expect of a classic margarita, but with a more delicate, lighter undertone thanks to the floral aperitif. For a smokier version, try switching out tequila for your favorite mezcal.

[See also: The Best Cocktail Recipes for Tequila Day]


– 35ml tequila

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– 35 ml Pomello

– 25ml lime juice

– 2.5ml agave syrup

– Maldon salt


Add all liquid ingredients to a cocktail tin with ice and shake thoroughly. Line the rim of a glass (tumbler if you prefer your margarita on the rocks, or a coupe if you like straight up) with lime juice and dip into Maldon salt. If you’re using a tumbler, pour the mixed cocktail over fresh ice; if a coupe, strain directly into the glass.

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