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  1. Top Adventures
January 31, 2020

One&Only Reethi Rah Sleep Program

Can't get no sleep? One&Only Reethi Rah has just the thing.

By Samantha Coles

If the soothing sound of the Indian Ocean waves don’t lull you to sleep, then One&Only Reethi Rah’s sleep program sure will. The 90-minute Sleep Journey begins with an assessment in one of the sumptuous treatment villas to discover your sleeping patterns, from which a highly trained expert will create a bespoke treatment. Learn breathing and visualization techniques to help relax your mind and release any tension, followed by a massage of the metamorphic zones of the feet and a full-body massage with hot stones and warm oil. The treatment is finished with a scalp massage using warm rose quartz crystals, which help clear the mind. After the treatment (if you’re still awake!) have a yoga session followed by a Bliss Bowl (a delicious combination of nourishing ingredients designed to aid sleep) before retreating to your villa.

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