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1 week ago

Luxury Utah Property Brings the Heat to the Desert

Property of the Week: Seamlessly designed and gorgeously modern, Moccasin Flats are the hottest new build across Utah.

By Bea Isaacson

Sprawling across the mesmerizing terrain of Utah’s Washington County, so distinctly characterized by its jagged red canyons and soul-searing horizons, is Moccasin Flats, a brand-new luxury Utah property development that is ushering in a new era of desert dwelling.

Developed by Hidden Rock in collaboration with architecture firm Woods + Dangaran, these properties – five in total – have just come onto the market, with each individual house as striking as the next. Gone are the days of wooden saloon doors and creaking porch chairs; this new development is searingly stylish, uber-modern living.

Similarities flow between the five properties; for example, they are all five-bedroom residences, and each is located within a 14-acre lot. Sustainability shines bright across the development; the houses are all solar-equipped and feature natural drainage through the utilization of existing arroyos.

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Luxury Utah property pool
The five-bedroom Lot 18 / ©Hidden Rock

Each luxury Utah property encompasses within its grounds a two-bedroom, two-bathroom guest cottage with its own kitchen and dining spaces, whilst features within the main house include a wellness gym, office, library, and spa.

Outside, each of the five residences also boast an outdoor kitchen, fire pits, a main pool and even a plunge pool with temperature control; this is, after all, the desert, where days are hot and star-studded nights are pleasant and warm.

Built intentionally and successfully to reflect the landscape that surrounds the properties, with each of them designed as elongated horizontal structures that reflect the light and color of the terrain, it goes without saying that each luxury Utah property within the Moccasin Flats is spectacular. However, it is Lot 18 in particular that has truly lassoed our attention. (Sorry, we couldn’t help ourselves.)

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Living room
An interior that fits seamlessly within its desert landscape / ©Hidden Rock

With an open-style floorplan and ceilings that rise up to 10 ft, sunlight floods through the spaces of this property all whilst providing utmost shelter and seclusion from the beating desert heat. Skylights and glass sky bridges add an element of futuristic prowess to the design, whilst the minimalist aesthetics of the wide spaces stop it from escalating into something too uncomfortable for everyday dwelling.

Also encompassing 10 ft covered patios, a multitude of indoor and outdoor entertaining and living spaces, and a wonderful kitchen, Lot 18 also includes a garage that can hold up to four cars: perfect for this wonderfully remote, wondrously beautiful location.


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Luxury Utah property sky bridges
Skylights and glass sky bridges add an element of futuristic prowess / ©Hidden Rock

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