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Geographic Expeditions Launches Women-Only Trip to Namibia

The inaugural itinerary explores the incredible achievements of women in this part of the world.

By Irenie Forshaw

According to the World Economic Forum’s 2023 Gender Gap Report, Namibia ranks eighth globally for gender equality, cementing its position among the most gender-equal countries on the planet (Iceland took the top spot).

The report, which considers everything from women’s economic participation to educational attainment and political empowerment, has spurred Geographic Expeditions to launch its very first women-only journey to Namibia.

Setting off from Windhoek on September 1, 2024, the 13-day itinerary – Namibia’s Wild Wonders – will take an intimate group of women on an unforgettable tour of Africa’s most gender-egalitarian country.

[See also: Inside andBeyond Sossusvlei Desert Lodge, Namibia]

Save the Rhinos trust
Guests will track rhinos with a female ranger from the Save the Rhino Trust / ©Geographic Expeditions

Geographic Expeditions’ Namibia trip kicks off with a flight to the jaw-dropping red dunes of the Namib Desert to visit a rural education initiative and meet the women it supports.

From here, the group will take a scenic flight over the Skeleton Coast, looking down at the dramatic shipwrecks below. Days five and six will be spent exploring the ancient rock engravings at the UNESCO-listed archaeological site of Twyfelfontein and tracking rhinos with a female ranger from the Save the Rhino Trust.

Next, it’s on to the Ongava Reserve (a private reserve and luxury lodge on the edge of Etosha National Park) for a safari tour, spotting an array of wildlife spanning everything from lions to elephants.

AfriCat Foundation
Guests will take a behind-the-scenes tour of the female-founded AfriCat Foundation / ©Geographic Expeditions
Geographic Expeditions Namibia
The trip includes stays at luxury lodges in the Namib Desert / ©Geographic Expeditions

Perhaps most exciting of all is the opportunity to visit the Okonjima Nature Reserve and search for leopards in the savannah, before taking a behind-the-scenes tour of the female-founded AfriCat Foundation to learn about the non-profit’s work protecting Namibia’s large carnivals.

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Finally, the group will travel back to Windhoek to meet the employees at the Penduka Development Trust – a training project that provides women with the creative skills to thrive in the handcraft industry.

Geographic Expeditions’ 13-day Wild Wonders Women-Only Trip will run from September 1-13, 2024 with prices starting from $14,325 per person.

[See also: Namib Sky Balloon Safaris]

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