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1 week ago

Claridge’s Unveils Christmas Tree Designed by Louis Vuitton

The 'tree' comprises a series of the French luxury fashion house's iconic trunks.

By Bea Isaacson

From the top hat of the doorman to the polished china of its afternoon tea, Claridge’s hotel has always stood as a pillar of London luxury. It will come as no surprise, therefore, that Claridge’s Christmas tree this year has been designed by no other than Louis Vuitton.

An annual tradition of the hotel that has evolved to become a symbol of the festive season across the city, the Claridge’s Christmas tree by Louis Vuitton was unveiled for the first time in the hotel’s lobby on November 23. The fashion designer has eschewed tradition, presenting two giant Malles Vestiaire or ‘Wardrobe Trunks’ adorned with travel stickers and an oversized Louis Vuitton luggage tag.

Inside is a breathtaking sculptural creation comprising 15 repurposed trunks of varying heights that create the silhouette of a Christmas tree.

“What an honor it is to welcome such a legendary house as Louis Vuitton to design our Claridge’s Christmas Tree this year,” commented Claridge’s general manager, Paul Jackson.

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Claridge's Christmas tree
The 2023 Louis Vuitton Christmas tree / ©Claridge’s

“Christmas is the most magical time of year for us here at the hotel and we look forward to seeing guests and visitors immerse themselves in Louis Vuitton’s world.”

Claridge’s and Louis Vuitton have crossed paths several times throughout their colorful and storied histories. Not only were both founded in 1854, but the first UK Louis Vuitton store was opened a stone’s throw away from the hotel’s Mayfair location.

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Claridge's Christmas tree
Inside is a breathtaking sculptural creation comprising 15 repurposed trunks / ©Claridge’s

And even more awing (and a testament to the heritage of both Claridge’s and Louis Vuitton across Europe) Monseiur Louis Vuitton himself was acquainted with the hotel as personal layetier to Empress Eugénie, wife of Napoleon III, who had established Claridge’s as her winter residence. The hotel subsequently became known as the annex to Buckingham Palace due to Queen Victoria’s visits to the Empress.

Drawing inspiration from the luxury fashion maison’s celebration of the art of travel – which has seen Louis Vuitton similarly set up shop at various luxury hotels across Europe – this is the thirteenth year Claridge’s has invited a fashion house to design its Christmas tree.

Louis Vuitton follows in the footsteps of names including Dolce & Gabbana, Diane von Furstenberg and Burberry, with Jimmy Choo at the helm of the tree last year.

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