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In partnership with Style with Bree
  1. Style
May 25, 2023

How Bree Jacoby is Making Fashion More Sustainable

By investing in timeless pieces, we can avoid the need for constant new purchases.

By Elite Traveler

Bree Jacoby, the CEO and founder of Style with Bree and Breespoke, is a trailblazer entrepreneur in the retail space and, has long been pondering sustainability in the clothing industry.

Her approach is centered on reducing waste and being environmentally conscious. She contends that the key to achieving this is through closet editing, creating capsule wardrobes, and employing eco-friendly fabrics in her menswear enterprise, Breespoke.

Closet editing is a process of evaluating one’s wardrobe and determining which pieces are still useful and which ones should be donated, sold, or disposed of. While this process may not be enjoyable for many, it is critical if we hope to reduce waste and become more sustainable. Jacoby encourages her clients to do this regularly to keep only the clothes they need and avoid accumulating unnecessary items.

Another tactic that Jacoby utilizes to promote sustainability is creating a capsule wardrobe, which is a collection of essential items that can be combined to create various outfits. This concept has gained popularity recently and is an excellent method to reduce the number of clothes we require while still having a fashionable wardrobe.

By investing in timeless pieces that can be worn season after season, we can avoid the need for constant new purchases. In addition to these strategies, Jacoby also focuses on employing eco-friendly fabrics in her menswear business. She recognizes that the textile industry is among the world’s most polluting industries and is committed to reducing her impact.

Style with Bree focuses on timeless pieces that will never go out of fashion / ©Style with Bree

Eco-friendly fabrics are made from sustainable materials and produced using environmentally friendly methods. They are an excellent method to reduce our dependence on synthetic fibers and the amount of waste generated in the clothing industry.

By concentrating on closet editing, creating capsule wardrobes, and employing eco-friendly fabrics in her menswear business, Jacoby is making significant strides toward sustainability. She believes that everyone must do their part, no matter how small, to reduce waste and protect the environment. These small changes can accumulate and have a significant impact in the long run.

Jacoby recognizes that the clothing industry has a significant impact on the environment and is dedicated to discovering ways to reduce waste and become more sustainable. By encouraging closet editing, creating capsule wardrobes, and employing eco-friendly fabrics in her menswear business, she is making a positive impact on the industry and setting an example for others to follow.

To schedule a meeting with the Bree team you can connect with them at and Instagram handles @stylewithbree@breespoke@breejacoby

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